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Rebecca Kochenderfer
Founder of
Rebecca Kochenderfer is’s founder and host. She is the author of Joy Journal, an uplifting collection of journaling tips and techniques. Rebecca is honored to hold this space for the journaling community to connect, thrive, and grow. Fellow journalers can connect with Rebecca at [email protected] or on Facebook and send her questions and stories about their own journaling experience. For press and advertising inquiries contact here.'s Panel of Experts is proud to collaborate with top researchers and practitioners in the field of journaling. Members of our panel come from diverse professional backgrounds and bring with them expertise that ensures we continuously deliver compelling interviews, the latest research, and big ideas to infuse your journaling practice with meaning and magic.

Dr. Dan Siegel
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine
Dr. Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. He is also the Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute. Dr. Siegel is the author of five New York Times best sellers including his newest book Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence.

Dr. James Pennebaker
Professor of Psychology at University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Pennbaker is a Regents Centennial Professor of Liberal Arts and Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a social psychologist and the author of hundreds of articles and many books including The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say About Us and Opening Up by Writing It Down.

Lynda Monk
Lynda Monk is the Director of the International Association for Journal Writing. A registered social worker and Certified Professional Life Coach, Lynda specializes in therapeutic journaling for self-care, burnout prevention, wellness and creative self-expression, and she regularly speaks on the healing and transformational power of life writing. She is the co-author of Writing Alone Together: Journaling in a Circle of Women for Creativity, Compassion and Connection, as well as co-author of the international bestseller Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness. She is also the author of Life Source Writing: A Reflective Journaling Practice for Self-Discovery, Self-Care, Wellness and Creativity and producer of the Creative Wellness Guided Meditations CD.

Ryder Carroll
Inventor of the Bullet Journal method
Ryder Carroll is the international best-selling author, and inventor of the Bullet Journal Method.
He’s been featured by The New York Times, LA Times, Fast Company, The Wall Street Journal, BBC, Vogue, Bloomberg, and others.

Randy Taran
Founder of Project Happiness
Randy Taran is the founder and CEO of Project Happiness. She is the co-author of the Project Happiness Handbook, bringing the best of positive psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness to youth. Randy produced the award-winning documentary “Project Happiness” which brought together young people from three continents to ask one question – “What is the nature of lasting happiness?” With a following of over 2.5 million people on social media alone, messages of hope and science-based strategies for greater well-being are reaching people when they need it most. Randy is also a Yoga Alliance certified teacher who holds her MBA in International Business and Marketing from New York University

Mo Seetubtim
CEO of The Happiness Planner
Mo Seetubtim is founder & CEO of The Happiness Planner, a company that creates inspirational tools to help people cultivate happiness, foster personal growth, and become their best selves.

Amy Maricle
Founder of Mindful Art Studio
Amy is an artist, art therapist, and founder of Mindful Art Studio. Her writing and art have been featured in many online and print publications including The New York, The Washington, Psych, and Art Journaling Magazine.

Merle R. Saferstein
CEO of The Happiness Planner
Merle R. Saferstein was the director of educational outreach at a Holocaust Center in South Florida for twenty-six years. When she retired in 2011, she developed and currently teaches a class entitled Living and Leaving Your Legacy®. She lectures on the subject of legacy nationally and internationally, trains hospice staffs on how to do sacred legacy work, and works with individual patients at the end of their lives. She is the author of Room 732, is a council member of the International Association of Journal Writers, and is a contributor to the Huffington Post and Thrive Global.