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How to Reach Beyond Your Goals
Nick Venturella, Founder of GrowLoop.com
Discover how daily journaling facilitates thoughtful reflection that leads to meaningful action. Learn to express yourself, document actions, and track progress over time, all while building confidence that leads to increased productivity, self-awareness, and goal achievement.

Live the Life you Want
Melanie Vetter, Wellfleet Circle
Do you sometimes feel you want more of what you love and less of what you don’t in each day? I have tools to help you Live the Life You Want.
In my FREE, 1-hour interactive webinar I’ll walk you through simple journaling practices to gain clarity on your what gives you energy and what matters most and what’s getting in your way. I’ll also help you find your own strength and resilience so you can get unstuck. You’ll leave with action steps that move you towards a life you want, while using the strengths you already have.
The life you want is waiting for you! Join me March 3rd at 11 am PT/2 pm ET for a FREE, 1-hour interactive webinar.

The Bullet Journal Method
Ryder Carroll
Meet The Bullet Journal Method, the mindfulness practice disguised as a productivity system. In his internationally best-selling book, Ryder Carroll, creator of the Bullet Journal, explores what it means to live an intentional life, one that’s both productive and meaningful. Whether you’ve used a Bullet Journal for years or have never seen one before, The Bullet Journal Method will help you go from passenger to pilot of your own life.
Find out more about The Bullet Journal Method. Download two free chapters today!

Make Beautifully Imperfect Art
with Amy Maricle
This wonderful little workbook will help you identify and set aside perfectionistic ideas that stand between you and your beautiful, expressive art journal. You’ll receive tips to help lower the pressure on yourself when you sit down to make art, and also 3 fun project ideas to get you painting, drawing, and writing in your journal.

Writing The Labyrinth
A new way to journal from Jackee Holder
This is a creative, intuitive writing exercise that can be used for problem solving, clarifying thoughts and working through challenges. Let the pen guide you from the start of the labyrinth walking the path in the same way your feet would if you were walking the labyrinth on foot. The two parts of the writing activity, writing in and writing out, give you time to express the issue or dilemma by writing in and then time to explore potential possibilities and opportunities in the writing out.
The many benefits include allowing your intuition to guide you into solutions and deeper awareness from a calmer, more aware perspective. Enjoy the slow mindful approach of the exercise and the creative opportunities it presents.

The Art of Balance Cheat Sheet
David J. Bookbinder
Stressed out? Overwhelmed? Then you’ve come to the right place!
The Battle for Balance is a life and death struggle. Stay balanced, and we enjoy life to the fullest. Lose balance, and life gets hard.
In The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World, life coach and psychotherapist David J. Bookbinder shows how to stay on top of the forces that cause unbalance, recover quickly if you get knocked down, and be prepared whenever life throws you a curveball. Time-tested self-help tools and techniques are integrated into a system that helps you create your own tools, develop your own techniques, refine your own strategies—and thereby become the master of your destiny.
This Cheat Sheet is a quick overview of the six-step system for restoring and maintaining life balance described more fully in The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World and the online course Mastering the Art of Balance: Stay Sane in an Insane World.

Get Messy Art Journaling Class
Caylee Grey, getmessyart.com
Art journaling is the foundation of living a creative life. Art journaling is our medium for creativity.
It’s not about final art pieces to decorate the walls of a gallery or your home (though we will totally support you in that endeavor).
It’s about creating for the sake of it and doing so with a community of other creators cheering you on.
In this class we’ll show you exactly how to start.
This free art journaling class is taught by Caylee Grey, Fairy Artmother at Get Messy Art, Amy Maricle, Mentor at Mindful Art Studio, and Vanessa Oliver-Lloyd, Sister Witch at Art Witch Academy.
We are three artists who are wildly enthusiastic about the magic of art journaling.

The Power of Your Other Hand: Unlock creativity and inner wisdom through the right side of your brain
by Lucia Capacchione PhD
Conari Press, 2019
Researchers have discovered the vast, untapped potential of the brain’s little-used right hemisphere. Art Therapist, Lucia Capacchione’s, ground-breaking book, The Power of Your Other Hand, established her in 1988 as a pioneer in applied brain research.
In this book, she explains the prejudice against the left hand and the right side of the brain (and all it stand for). She also introduces us to the healing power of our non-dominant hand. Her research into handedness and her fieldwork with people using their “other hand” (for drawing and writing in art therapy and in a Creative Journal) provides the material for this newly revised edition.
The Power of Your Other Hand, originally published in 1988, has been acclaimed as a classic in the field of therapeutic writing and journal therapy. It includes prompts for drawing, writing and dialoguing with both hands, for finding our heart’s desire and tapping into the true self. There are techniques for accessing the Inner Child, the Artist Within, uncovering body wisdom, confronting the Inner Critic and breaking through creative blocks, for healing relationships, and for finding the wise Inner Guide.
To receive your copy, email Lucia at www.luciac.com.

Detox Your Relationships: Ditch Toxic People & Nurture Healthy Connections
by Mari L. McCarthy
Relationships play a tremendous role in your life. The people you surround yourself with affect your happiness and well-being in big and small ways.How do you decide who to invite into your life? What is the state of your relationships? Which ones build you up, and which ones drag you down?What steps can you take to cultivate healthy, successful relationships? Who should you invest in, and who should you let go of?
Identify what you value, what you need, and what you want to change in the Detox Your Relationships course. In this course, you’ll do a deep dive into your most essential relationships – past, present, and future. You’ll learn to break harmful patterns and cut toxic people out of your life. Focus on strengthening the connections that matter to you and forging healthy relationships in the future.

Handmade February Calendar Printable
by LittleCoffeeFox.com
January is full of excitement, resolutions, and goals. But often, by the time February comes around, it’s easy to let those aspirations fade to the background. So make it easier to stick with your goals and resolutions by getting your February calendar all set up without any effort! This gorgeous handmade February 2020 calendar is perfect for your bullet journal or planner and comes in three formats: full size (8.5†x 11â€), A5 (5.6†x 8.3â€), and a JPEG version for digital planners.

The Productivity Balance Wheel
Sara Caputo Consulting
The Productivity Balance Wheel is a self-assessing tool designed to help you gain clarity into eight important areas of your life. This activity will help you assess key aspects of your workflow, productivity, and life systems. Assess your own wheel, set new goals, and start moving forward today.

Make the Next 10 Years the Best 10 Years!
Randy Taran
Have you ever put everyone’s needs before your own, then wondered where the years went? It’s easy to keep on going, supporting everyone else… the only problem is that time passes quickly, and your dreams (vibrancy, fulfillment, creativity, passion, peace) are often in last place. Are you open to something new? If you are ready for a bigger game, for more meaningful experiences, for giving joy its proper place and for embracing the awesomeness within you, these next training videos have been designed to give you the clarity and the confidence to step into your very best life, to be aligned with your core values, and what makes you come

Journaling to Clear Clutter: Three Simple Strategies
with Carolyn Koehnline, LMHC, CJT
In this preview course you’ll be introduced to journal writing techniques and topics designed to help you clear clutter from your home, heart, and schedule. You’ll do this through written lessons with writing prompts and work at your own pace. Plan on devoting about 90 minutes to the course materials. You can do it all at once or in small chunks and you can return to the course as often as you like.