We recently enjoyed a conversation with Shelby Abrahamsen, founder of the life style blog, Little Coffee Fox. Shelby is a young entrepreneur with a talent for art and for inspiring others. We talked recently about the ways journaling has helped her find her way in the world, create a meaningful career, and increase productivity. It’s a joy to welcome Shelby to Journaling.com
Shelby is a 20-something who has always struggled with productivity. After years of struggling with goal setting, time management, and productivity, she finally sought out a solution. She figured out a way to use her own creativity and hobbies to whip her life into shape with the help of a bullet journal, and it completely changed her life. Now, she’s a full-time lifestyle blogger who focuses on helping others manage their time, explore their passions, and build the lives they want to lead.
To listen to the audio podcast, click on the play button below. And continue reading to discover the highlights from that interview.

If you’d like to listen to the full audio interview, look for The Power of Journaling wherever you find your podcasts!
Shelby began blogging after college. When she started, she never dreamed she’d turn this pastime into a career, but today she works full time, along with her husband, creating content for her dynamic website, Little Coffee Fox.
Writing about a wide range of subjects, Shelby especially enjoys sharing new approaches to organization and regularly offers readers ideas to help them set and achieve their goals.
At the moment, Shelby describes herself as being in a highly creative space. She is passionate about water coloring and brush lettering, which she writes about on her blog. She adds, “I have time to do these fun things because of the organization I did back in January.â€
Growth, not perfection, is the goal.
Shelby Abrahamsen
To help get organized and to keep herself on track, Shelby’s preferred method of choice is bullet journaling.
After graduation from college, bullet journaling helped Shelby navigate challenging new waters. “Bullet journaling was like a life boat for me. When I got out of college I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was floating with no direction or ambition.†Shelby found herself in professional limbo as she waited for her husband to finish law school. “I was struggling and couldn’t ignite the passion to do the things I loved.â€
Always drawn to paper, pens, paints, and highlighters, Shelby began to experiment with these tools. Along the way, she discovered bullet journaling. This popular method helped Shelby organize her time and her thoughts while it also provided her with an outlet for creativity.
Through this process Shelby learned that planning and establishing goals didn’t have to be an arduous chore. In fact, she found these acts were engaging and exciting. A single positive journaling experience led to another and another which helped Shelby build better habits and ultimately, she tells us, become a better version of herself.
Shelby often hears from readers who struggle to organize their lives doing the “digital thing.†This makes sense to her. While Shelby acknowledges that digital tracking systems are fine task management tools for many, she says it’s not a method that works for everyone. Shelby cites the research that shows people retain more information when they engage with the physical act of writing words down. For this reason, journaling is a regularly scheduled part of her self-care routine and a practice she encourages her readers to cultivate.
Shelby is passionate about the use of Morning Pages, a method developed and described in Julia Cameron’s ground breaking book, “The Artist’s Way.’ Cameron’s method has the journaler wake up in the morning and immediately write, by hand, three pages of unedited stream of consciousness. Shelby appreciates Cameron’s emphasis on removing anxiety and self-censorship from the process and finds the fact that these pages are completely private and quite liberating. “Morning Pages have played a huge role in my growth,†Shelby told us. “I discovered Morning Pages at the same time as bullet journaling. I’ve tried a lot of different things, but these were the methods that stuck.â€
Shelby enjoys experimenting with materials and this shows in the colorful, creative results of her work. For journaling, her favorite notebook is the Leuchtturm1917
“This one is handy when it comes to bullet journaling because it has page numbers which help you keep perspective on where you are at. I’ve tried others, but this is the one I use again and again.â€
Along with helping Shelby organize ideas and grow her productivity, bullet journaling reconnected her with her love of art and proclivity toward creativity. “I had a revelation around the time I discovered journaling. I realized it’s not about whether you make money, it’s about how the work you do makes you feel.â€
Partly through journaling, Shelby recognized that although the artist’s life is filled with challenges, it’s what fulfills her, and she became determined to organize her days in order to prioritize her craft.
Shelby ended our discussion with wise words of advice. “Don’t aim for perfection. Create something and then move on.â€
When people strive for perfection, she notices they get overwhelmed and eventually stuck. Shelby describes how this tendency has even shown up in the ways people bullet journal. “Many people have written to me to tell me they are terrified of ruining their journals, and so they never start.†Shelby inspires people to shift their perspective on perfection. “Growth, not perfection, is the goal,†she reminds us.
Your Action Plan
- Visit Shelby’s website. While you are there, check out some of our favorite articles.
The Ultimate Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet for Beginners
What are the Morning Pages?
Done Not Perfect - Learn more about techniques to enhance your journaling process. Learn more about Shelby’s Brush Lettering 101eCourse
- Visit the Little Coffee Fox Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CoffeeFoxCreations
- Practice learning a new skill. Enjoy these free gifts from Shelby. (Below)
- Listen to our conversation on The Power of Journaling podcast.