The 3 Levels of Journaling


Have you ever noticed that there are three levels of journaling?

Level 1: Getting Started
Level 2: Journaling to Fix a Problem
Level 3: Journaling to Raise Life to its Highest Level

Enter the steam from wherever you are.

The Power of Journaling Podcast has great episodes for all three levels

For Level 1 (new to journaling), we recommend:

The 5 Paths of Journaling

The five paths of journaling are: mindfulness, mental health, physical health, productivity, and creativity.
In this podcast, Rebecca shares with you: 1) the power of journaling for each path, and 2) which
journaling methods work well for each path.

For Level 2 (problem solving), we recommend:

Rebecca interviews Lucia Capaccione. Lucia credits journaling with saving her life. She shares her story
and also tells us how journaling solves four common problems, including anxiety, stress, relationship
problems, and even pain.

For Level 3 (life raising), we recommend:

The Power of Words

We create our world with our words. In this podcast, Rebecca tells us the words that TAKE our power
away, and the words that GIVE us power and creative control over our life.

This is, wishing you happy journaling!


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