We say it on the podcast all the time: there isn’t a wrong way to journal. In fact, the beauty of this tool is its flexibility. There is a journaling method out there for everyone. Our goal at Journaling.com is to help you find the methods that resonate best for you.
My conversation with today’s guest, angel journaling expert Dede Lyons, shines light on a writing approach referred to as Angel Journaling.
Dede is an empowerment coach and founder of the Feel Good Express lifestyle program. She is creator of The Feel Good Journal. Dede began journaling in 1990 when she purchased Louise Hayes The Garden of Thoughts journal. A few years later she received an angel reading and attended a “learn how to talk with your angels†class. Since then she has channeled guidance and wisdom from her unseen helpers to guide her through all of her life endeavors.
The experiences Dede recounts in our conversation surprise and inspire. To learn more, listen to our interview, or read below to see highlights from our talk.

If you’d like to listen to the full audio interview, look for The Power of Journaling wherever you find your podcasts!
Our conversation opens with Dede sharing a series of events that led to life-changing realizations. After an unexpected professional set back left her shaken and vulnerable, she went to her hair salon for some much needed self-care. On the way to the appointment, just before stepping onto the subway, Dede caught a glimpse of the cover of Time Magazine on a newsstand. Its images of clouds and angels caught Dede’s eye, and she bought a copy to read on the train.
When Dede reached the salon she confided in her hairdresser telling him everything that had gone wrong that day; she also showed him the magazine article about angels.
Dede’s story got the attention of others in the salon, and soon everyone was sharing their beliefs. “You are in the perfect place in your life to benefit from an angel reading,” someone told her. They suggested she visit Trudy Griswold, an expert who could help her connect with angels.
Over time, Dede met with Trudy, studied with her, and began to cultivate an angel journaling practice that was deeply meaningful. As she connected with her angels, she could hear their wisdom, and Dede learned that there are unseen helpers all around. This realization has been a source of tremendous peace for her.
Angel Journaling
Angel journaling is the act of writing to your angels to share what’s on your mind as well as to seek guidance. This form of writing, Dede explains, cultivates connection with your unseen helpers.
Inspired by all that she was learning from Griswold, Dede began angel journaling almost immediately.
Angel journaling makes people feel safe and connected, Dede explains. “When you write and make a connection you feel like you have this whole support group that you cannot see that is there to help you.â€
Angel pages, Dede notes, nicely complement Julia Cameron’s popular technique referred to as “morning pages,†which involves writing free-form every morning to release fears and worries that block creativity and joy.
Dede’s Process
1. Similar to Cameron’s morning pages, Dede pours doubt, frustration, and fear into a notebook. Those pages are immediately shredded and the negative feelings are released.
2. Next she focuses on gratitude. Sometimes the thoughts that surface in this moment are written down, but Dede finds it equally effective to celebrate her thanks in the shower or while looking in the mirror. Dede emphasizes this action does not have to take a lot of time or be written on paper to be effective.
3. Steps 1 and 2 put Dede in a place where she is ready to communicate with her angels.
Dede’s Tips for Angel Journaling
Dede has designed a lovely angel journal—a blank lined book with quotations on each page and images to inspire your process. Whether you use her book or another, Dede suggests keeping your angel journal separate from the book you use to do other forms of journaling.
- Find a sacred place to sit with your journal. Turn off all of your devices. Light a candle.
- Set an intention to connect with a beautiful like-minded being.
- Open your heart chakra—this is an opportunity to communicate from your heart.
- Hold an angel stone or another object that feels comfortable to you.
- Close your eyes and visualize stands of angels.
- Start writing. Tell the angels hello. Announce that you want to share something and would also appreciate answers. Write as though you are writing to your best friend. Share things that happened that day. Ask questions. Seek guidance.
Your Action Plan
- Learn more about Dede’s work. Connect with her online:
Website; Facebook ;Instagram ;Linkedin. - Listen to my conversation with Dede.
- Follow Dede’s tips and connect with your unseen helpers today.
Whether you consider the messages you receive through this practice the voice of your angels or your own inner wisdom, Dede’s methods are powerful and provide comfort.